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In my CAD class that I was required to take because of my degree, I learned how to navigate through Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. To showcase my knowledge of what I had learned, one of my projects was to research a famous photographer and recreate their style of photography. Someone that really inspires me through his portraits of people is Damon Baker. The way his pictures are only black and white yet somehow you can see every color a person is wearing is inspirational in my eyes. I took on the task of organizing a photoshoot and recreating some of the best photos Damon Baker has ever photographed. I did the best I could to get as close to the original as possible and I feel as if my efforts weren’t in vain for, I am happy how my photos turned out. For this project I learned a lot about Photoshop and Illustrator, and I am proud to be able to add it to the list of skills that I have acquired.  

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